New and old episodes!

Hey everyone,

I’ve been so busy with my new job that I have been neglecting the website. Episode 51 just went live you can get it on our iTunes page. Or you may stream it from this page.

Episode #51 – Going Geek

Episode #50 – Hina Hills

I’ll be doing the show notes in a day or two (I hope :P) thanks to everyone who is downloading and enjoying the show!

Episode 49: Revisting the past

Check out the show notes section for more information on this episode.


Episode 48: Selling snurf with our Z-Mind


This week Jellokun and Zaldar bring you some early news from NYAF (New York Anime Fest) regarding manga licensing annoucements. We also discuss the fact Yaoi press’s founder was arrested on drug charges (its great having a chemist on the show) the death of Shin-Chan’s creator and an epic review of the 1999 OVA super robot show Z-Mind.

for more detailed information about this show please check the show notes

Episode 47: One last dip in the lagoon


Jellokun and Zaldar have a heated discussion about the announcement of Naruto Shippenden being broadcast on the Disney XD Channel. Patz joins to voice his opinion on the news too.

Jellokun reviews Black Lagoon Second Barrage and Zaldar reviews the Bleach movie “Memories of Nobody” that and so much more.

Quick update

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to drop a quick post and let you know things are turning around, all the server issues have been taken care of and I’m currentlly working on writing new show notes. We have been podcasting every week and you can listen to the latest episode via our iTunes feed.

Episode 45: Ponyo Rolls

Hey everyone due to some problems with the host the blog went MIA and everything went away 🙁 I didn’t back up! but enjoy the episode things will return to normal in a few days.