Episode 100: Back With A Vengence

We’ve got so much to cover in this episode. We’ve got a High School Of The Dead a review of of Demon King plus Zaldar went to Ichibon Con so we’ve even got a con report! The show is over 2 hours long enjoy every minute of it.




1 pings

  1. GREAT PODCAST 🙂 and i like the clip

  2. Hmm… still not convinced about High School of the Dead. Especially since the manga has been on limbo, because the author hasn’t been able to figure out how to continue the plot. As for Ichiban Ushiro Dai-maou, I gave that up with the episode when the Demon King’s friend turned out to be some sort of super hero.

    FYI, ‘ecchi’ or H is pronounced ‘eh-chee’. ‘Ichi’ (ee-chi) means one (as in ‘Ichiban’ = #1).

  1. […] Check out the latest episodes of OtaKast PRIME as the guys hand out their Otie Awards of 2010. Then stop by the Banzai Beat and help Jellokun and Zaldar celebrate their 100th episode! […]

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